
Tuesday 10 November 2015

Designer Inspiration: Alexander McQueen

 Alexander McQueen Fall '15

One of my favourite Elizabethan inspired looks which I think is pretty historical in my opinion. I love the use of the pale skin with the light eyebrows and eyelashes and the use of a warm eyeshadow to really contrast between the white eye lashes. The lips also drew me in to these images as compared to the whole look the lips stuck out to me the most as they're so different to the rest of the face as even though they stick with the historical Elizabethan theme they're rather glossy compared to the matte complexion.
"The finished look really draws attention to the face and enhances each girl's natural, individual beauty."

Alexander McQueen Spring '10

Another famous look from McQueen is from his Spring/Summer show of 2010. The whole look isn't very obvious to be Elizabethan, the look is very alien and animal like, but I loved the use of no eyebrows and weird element to the look which is what I think of when I think of the Elizabethans would, weird. I just think this take is a very extreme interpretation of the Elizabethan beauty ideal, however I still wanted to include this look to show how modern and extreme people have taken their inspiration.

Alexander McQueen Fall '09

Like the pervious design, it is yet again another extreme interpretation of the Elizabethan look but unlike the pervious one there is more connotations of Elizabethan make-up. The use of no eyebrows, pale skin, and red lips, although they're extremely overdrawn to me it still fits into the category of Elizabethan.

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