
Sunday 18 October 2015

Illamasqua 'Once' Collection

    When searching brands and designers that had been inspired by the Elizabethans I came across this contemporary version by Alex Box. As you can see her vision of the Elizabethans I think is more contemporary than historical, however you can still tell that it's Elizabethan inspired compared to some interpretations of this look where they're so modern only a few aspects really relate. What really drew me to this collection is the obvious wardrobe choice, but also the make-up has so many elements that just scream Queen Elizabeth 1, like the very light hair and eyebrow hair along with the circular application of the rouge. However she has made this look contemporary by making the skin very glowy and shiny and also sticking with a peachy nude instead of the classic red.
    "Old cannot exist without new, juxtaposition exalts the differences, She endures, her spirit is encapsulated, timeless and as present and as vital as the morning light, whilst everything around her gently decays. She feels both vintage yet with a modern vital spiral. Beauty endures." - Alex Box

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