
Thursday 8 October 2015

Health And Safety

    Before applying make-up or prepping the skin on your model, you must ask them the questions above to get as much information about that person as possible to get a better understanding of their skin types and if they have any diseases that could effect the overall look, yours or their health once you're finished with them. 
    Skin type is a very important question to ask so you have an idea on what products you should use and shouldn't use on their skin so it produces the best outcome. When it comes to the overall health of their skin, it's best that you ask if they have any diseases such as; psoriasis, eczema, impetigo, and ringworm etc. This will insure that you won't catch anything while working with this model, and like I said above you can create the best outcome for your look.

Other information you should find out:
  1. Are they allergic to anything?
  2. Any cuts, blemishes, rashes, open sores or any skin complaints?
    Also make sure you wash your hands before touching your models skin, as you don't want to spread any bacteria onto their skin.
  1. Place a gown around your model
  2. Don't put make-up straight onto their skin, make sure it's clean and put something between their skin and the make-up such as a primer or moisturiser
  3. Don't double dip any of your products

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