
Wednesday 14 October 2015

Cleansing and Toning

    In our first practical session we learned about prepping the skin before applying the perfect base. We also learned some basic rules about how we should start before we do anything to our client, and questions we should always ask before starting anything. Tips that we learnt was while cleansing and toning, or any part of make-up in general was to keep checking your model though the mirror, this will allow you to really see what you're application is looking like and will tell you how much you need to apply or take away of things.

What you'll need to bring to a shoot:
  1. hair cape
  2. two hair slides
  3. full make-up kit and brush kit
  4. cotton pads
  5. cotton buds
  6. sensitive cleanser, toner, and moisturiser (beware cleansing can cause an allergic reaction) 
Basic rules that you NEED to do before a shoot:
  1. hair needs to be UP
  2. wash hands before and after every shoot/practical
  3. wash brushes before and after every shoot/practical
Questions that you should ask your model:
  1. are you allergic to anything?
  2. do you wear contacts?
    Cleansing, toning and moisturising can be achieved in achieved in five simple steps, however, if your model is wearing a lot of make-up this process can take longer compared to if they had none on at all. A good tip is to lay out all your cotton pads and place a bit of each product onto them to help you save time.
  1.  after putting the cleanser onto the cotton pads, move in upward strokes across the face
  2. for eyebrows, to remove just rub them from side to side until they've been removed
  3. for around the eyes, you can get your model to rub their own make-up off and you clean up after with a cotton bud. OR you can gently rub over the eyes until all traces of make-up is removed
  4. after cleansing it's time for toning. Start by getting toner onto a cotton pad and just wipe over the face still following in the upward motion and you'll begin to see more make-up will start to be removed, if so keep toning until the pad comes off clean.
  5. and lastly, moisturiser. Still following with the theme of moving upwards on the face place some moisturiser onto clean hands or cotton pads and rub until it has been absorbed by the skin.  

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