
Sunday 25 October 2015

My First Make-Up Look At Uni!

    On Thursdays lesson with Kat we had to use our monochromatic face chart and recreate it on someones face! I was super excited for this lesson as this was the first time I'd created a look and done a full face of make-up on someone since being at uni, it was amazing to see your own face chart to finally be seen on someones face and to overall have fun while creating it.
    I started off by creating a very pale complexion to my model using a mixture of her normal skin tone colours and the Illamasqua white as I didn't want her to be pure white, I just wanted to create the illusion of a very pale face as I was using warm orange tones and I thought having a pale face would help my look standout a lot more than if I kept her national skin tone which is yellow based and rather tanned.
    I then moved onto the eyes, I wanted to create a sunken in effect to the eyes and to create this I used the Charles Fox bright eyeshadow palette and the different tones of orange, yellow and a burnt orange red. Starting with one of the orange shades I packed this onto the lid and slightly blended up into the crease to create a base to work my eyeshadows around, I then started to build deeper shades of orange into the crease creating definition to the eye and start to create that sunken in, blown out effect. Next I decided to go in with the orange red colour and added this into the crease, again creating more depth the moved to the inner corner of the eye up near the brow bone and started to flick shadow up into the brow to create a blown out effect. After I had got my desired opacity I wanted to make this look even more warm so I took the yellow shade in the same palette and added this around the edges of the look which also helped me blend out the eyeshadow even more and the eyeshadow was complete!
    Using the same Charles Fox bright eyeshadow palette I started to contour the face, by using the orange and yellow shades in this palette to match the eyes. I took my Zoeva small buffing brush and started to contour the face by building up the colours and also blending them out using the same yellow shade.
    While creating this look I wanted to keep it very soft and blown out which I believe I achieved when executing my look. Looking back at my design now I wish I used a small line of eyeliner to help ground the look and help tie it all together and also adding more definition to the eyes as even though this look is very dramatic, I felt it didn't have much definition at the eyes which I think eyeliner would of solved this issue. The lips is another part I wish I could of changed and made them so much more dramatic and opaque by over lining them slightly to give them more body, then going in with a orangey red Charles Fox super colour and used this method instead of just using a thin layer of orange lipstick. In my future looks I will keep this small details in mind, and hopefully execute it in a much bigger and better way as I keep learning new techniques!

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