
Tuesday 29 September 2015

Welcome week at Southampton Solent!

My first week at Southampton Solent was defiantly something I’d never experienced before. Everything from exploring the uni to meeting everyone in my course felt so different but completely the same as if I was walking into my first day of school. I’ve grown up so much during this past week and I can’t wait to see what’s in store for the next three years!
    There was three main events that have really stood out to me at those was the Illamasqua demonstration/lecture, summer project group talks and a group exercise called “Head in Bag”. Our summer project (21/9/2015) was the first group activity that we did during welcome week, and it consisted of all the students being separated into groups of three/fours and talking about our summer homework mood board. Doing this exercise we got to learn about each other and had in common, but also our personal views on thing which lead to debates on personal matters and also things that are happening in the present online world.
    Moving onto the second day of welcome week (22/9/2015), one of the activities that our group did was “Head in Bag”, which was a bit hard to get my head around at first as the name of the activity didn’t really give any clues as to what we’d be doing, but basically consisted of us ripping up magazines and creating an ‘alter ego’ of ourselves. This activity didn’t really require any skills or knowledge, you just needed to let your imagination run wild and create whatever you wanted to.
    And lastly, probably my favourite part of welcome week, the Illamasqua lecture and demo! (23/9/2015). The lecture inspired me so much and really made me realise that I really want to carry on with my degree and do what I want to do as I have such a passion for make-up and everything that happens within this industry. Also the demo, Helen Roche and Spob OBrien did a fantastic job on creating a ready-to-wear and evening wear look on two models, using techniques that I never thought to use and gave me to much inspiration for my future work as a make-up artist. 
    There wasn't much I didn't enjoy about welcome week, it mainly consisted of the boring induction exercises and different important things needed to enrol but other than that, overall, welcome week at Southampton Solent was a rollercoaster of emotions, from excitement and pure joy, to some episodes of anxiety on how my future will look during my time at Solent and when I’m hopefully out working. I can’t wait to experiment with different techniques that I have learnt over this week and keep getting better at what I do.

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